Image showing map of waterford city bus services

Monthly Waterford Red Zone tickets are valid on all Waterford City services including the Route 360 to Tramore. Regulations and validity.

A digital photograph must be transferred to the employer’s online account before a Bus Éireann Monthly Waterford Red Zone Ticket can be ordered. ID Information. Fares are valid on all orders from 9th March 2022.

Tax Savings

Ticket TypeCostTax ratePRSI Rate*USCSavings
Monthly Waterford Red Zone €54.0040%4%8%€28.08
Monthly Waterford Red Zone€54.0040%4%4.5%€26.19
Monthly Waterford Red Zone €54.0020%4%4.5%€15.39

* PRSI rates will vary depending on your contribution class.


Changes to 145 Feeder Bus Service

Rail timetable update from 14th October: Morning Connolly route services will revert to pre-26th August pattern to address punctuality issues, with minor time changes to accommodate extra services