Tá tú anseo Baile Fostaí

Arna thabhairt isteach ag an Rialtas i 1999, spreagann Taxsaver daoine chun iompar poiblí a úsáid chuig agus ón obair. Tá sé chomh simplí! Ní dhéanann fostóirí ach clárú ar líne, logáil isteach sonraí agus tosaíonn siad ag ceannach ticéid mhíosúla nó bhliantúla dá bhfostaithe.

Baintear an costas go díreach ó Olltuarastal na bhfostaithe, agus is féidir coigilteas ollmhór idir 28.5% agus 52% a bhaint den ghnáthphraghas, ag brath ar chineál an ticéid agus do bhanda cánach.

Image of dice saying win on all faces

How can I get a Ticket?

  1. Check with your employer and find out if the company are registered with Taxsaver. If not, why not send your employer a link telling them you are interested in availing of this great scheme;
  2. Once your company is registered, a company administrator (designated person, normally a person in HR or Payroll) can order your ticket online.
  3. There are annual tickets, and monthly tickets available from the 1st of any month. Some companies only offer tickets at particular times of year.

How Much will I Save?

Use our Savings Calculator to find out how much you can save with a Taxsaver Commuter ticket!

How much will my ticket cost?

For more info on all ticket types, check out our ticket types page.


Important updates are coming to the Taxsaver scheme for commuters travelling into and around Dublin City with the introduction of a new Dublin Commuter and Dublin City zonal ticketing system.

From Sunday 9 March Route 409, Eyre Square to Parkmore (via Atlantic Technological University) will be extended to Parkmore Industrial Estate