Fares effective from 9th March, 2022

Monthly Rail & Luas tickets offer unlimited travel for one calendar month on DART and Commuter Rail services between Balbriggan, Maynooth, Kilcoole, Kilcock, Sallins/Naas and Hazelhatch, as well as both the Red and Green Luas lines.

Tax savings example

Ticket TypeCostTax ratePRSI Rate*USC*Savings
Monthly Rail & Luas€140.0040%4%4.5%€67.90
Monthly Rail & Luas€140.0020%4%4.5%€39.90

* PRSI and USC rates will vary depending on your Contribution Class.


Rail timetable update from 14th October: Morning Connolly route services will revert to pre-26th August pattern to address punctuality issues, with minor time changes to accommodate extra services