Fares effective from 9th March 2022
Monthly Dublin City Bus tickets are valid on all Dublin City Bus scheduled services including Dublin Bus, Go-Ahead Ireland Dublin City Services, Dublin Bus Xpresso and Dublin Bus Nitelink (excluding Dublin Bus Tours, Dublin Bus Special Events and Dublin Bus Private Contract services).
Tax savings example
Ticket Type | Cost | Tax rate | PRSI Rate* | USC* | Savings |
Monthly Dublin City Bus | €115.00 | 40% | 4% | 4.5% | €55.77 |
Monthly Dublin City Bus | €115.00 | 20% | 4% | 4.5% | €32.77 |
*PRSI and USC rates will vary depending on your Contribution Class.
Iarnród Éireann has advised customers of rail service details across the Christmas and New Year period
Rail timetable update from 14th October: Morning Connolly route services will revert to pre-26th August pattern to address punctuality issues, with minor time changes to accommodate extra services